Told you so! 2 years ago…

Nearly two years ago I predicted the future. Today, sadly the future has become reality.  Here is what I wrote word for word August 15, 2012.  “Knox County is at the epicenter of the need for encryption! For that reason it should be at the epicenter of beta...

Team Grider…gets results!

Last month I was at the Corryton Senior Center and I noticed that the flags were really tattered. So I called the Chief Communications Public Information and Media Liaison Coordinator Michael Grider. He stated he would take care of the situation. Tonight I had to go...

An interesting endorsement!

Here is an unusual situation. Imagine getting the public endorsement of a beloved sports figure in Knoxville.  Then  that beloved sports figure stabs Knoxville in the back. Oh did I mention that the person in question lied, cheated, and created a host of NCAA...

Yes, Mayor Rogero Really Did Write That!

Exclusive! Earlier today at the University of Tennessee Social Media Week, Mayor Rogero mentioned how she recently emailed her hard working, community dedicated, chief public information officer, Jesse Mayshark. The email was sent late on a Friday night. Within...