Mobile Meals Need Drivers TODAY!

~ from the Knoxville-Knox County CAC Office on Aging Due to the inclement weather, Mobile Meals needs volunteers to deliver hot, nutritious meals to more than 900 homebound seniors in Knox County. Mayor Jacobs will be arriving the Mobile Meals Kitchen at 9:45 a.m to...


 By Dr. Jim Ferguson Life is often complicated, and doesn’t always go as envisioned or as we desire. I recently wrote about why I now practice concierge medicine, and described the stress that nearly 50% of doctors say is causing them to consider leaving medical...

Rosie’s World

By Rosie Moore How many of you remember many, many, many years ago in junior high or high school carrying around those autograph books, getting all your friends, and some who were merely acquaintances, to sign them?  Forget about doing your homework or studying for a ...