‘A Point of Pride’

By Tom Mattingly It was on a Sunday night, Dec. 1, 1963, and into the wee hours of Monday morning, Dec. 2, that sportswriters, such as the News-Sentinel’s Marvin West, were doing everything they could to find out about Arkansas assistant coach Doug Dickey. Dickey, six...

September 11, 2001

  By John J. Duncan Jr. On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, I was in my office in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington when Bert Robinson, a member of my staff from Athens, opened the door and told me to turn on the television because a plane had just...

It All Started in West Virginia

By Ralphine Major “I am a product of the coalfields of West Virginia, where I was born in Dehue, Logan County.  The combination of time and place could, in itself, explain why I grew to be a political and fiscal conservative.  Growing up through the Great Depression...

On the Road

By Joe Rector This past Wednesday was my wife’s birthday. She enjoyed the presents, but most of all, Amy wanted to take a trip some place. She calls it a chance to let her eyes see something new. The treks we begin don’t have to be long ones; she’s happy just driving...