Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Republican Women Elect Democrat Chair Much has been made of the results of the recent elections in Knox County and women composing, for the first time in history, a majority on the county commission.  Women hold 6 out of 11 seats...

Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley Democrats Successes…Republicans Not So Much Local Democrats have sent out an email bragging about the results of the recent election.  Among the accomplishments, they boast of are “flipping 7 precincts blue that Trump won in 2020.”  The Democrats...

Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley Republicans Win in Spite of Herrera Daniel Herrera, who all but disappeared during the recent general election, has now taken a victory tour when appearing before the Karns Republican Club and the West Knox Republican Club.  Herrera’s speeches can...

Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley   City mayor raises taxes, cuts services After having given police officers a well-deserved raise and asking the city council to inflict the largest property tax increase in Knoxville’s history, the first thing Mayor Indya Kincannon has done is...